Monday, August 31, 2009

Green Bag Backache

So I've got a bunch of those nice "green" bags for hauling my groceries home. You know the bags I'm talking about; the ones you pay a buck or two for and then you never need answer the "plastic or paper" question again.

I have two old bags, from a previous life in another state; they're plain old canvas with the store name on the side. I have two new bags from my current grocery store; made out of whatever that lightweight fabic is that seems less permanent than canvas but "looks" like canvas...

But you have to actually USE the bags to fulfill the "green" mantra. So, you have to have them with you every time you grocery shop. And that's the first challenge. We're a two car family, but since I do most of the grocery shopping I keep the bags in my car. And then when I get the urge to use the other car, and stop by the store... I'm back to "plastic or paper". I had the same problem with the store "value card", until they put our phone number on the account. You see I keep the card on my keyring, but my husband doesn't want extra weight (I know .02 ounces is too much!) to carry around. But that's a whole 'nother story.

The second challenge is the weight. The only "con" I've found to the whole "green bag" thing is that baggers tend to want to fill them up. They get that you're trying to not use plastic or paper and their goal is to get it all in those four green bags. Which is fine except for two things: 1) the bags are bigger than the average plastic or paper bag and 2) when they're full they're HEAVY.

If you buy a few coupons worth of tomato soup, for instance, and the bagger puts them all in one bag and then layers the juice boxes and potatoes on top, your bag will hold you in place through a Category 5 hurricane.

So, you need about twice as many green bags as paper or plastic, just to spread the weight around, OR you need a couple sons who lift weights to accompany you to the grocery store. But if you had a couple of those sons you'd probably need more food and then you'd need more bags and then you'd need more sons. I better stop while I'm ahead!

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