Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hoping for Diabetes

My 15 year old has been having dizzy episodes. It all started during her soccer game on Saturday afternoon. Another one came later that evening when she was hanging out with friends. None on Sunday. At soccer practice on Monday, another. Two on Tuesday and now, two on Wednesday. So far.

We've been to the Dr and the bloodwork came back normal. Today we're waiting on the results of the MRI from this morning.

The waiting is hard. It's also getting harder to come up with solutions that sound good.

First we thought, dehydration. Then blood sugar issues. A sinus infection. A virus of some sort. Now we've moved on to things that are either scary or worse, although diabetes is somehow a comforting thought. Not that diabetes is a happy diagnosis, but it's way better than a brain tumor or a leaky blood vessel.

Doc called, the MRI was normal. So we move on... She is now wearing a "holter monitor" that will chart her heart rhythm over the next 24 hours. I guess we're making progress. At least my "dizzy" blonde has a normal brain scan.

Janice Arrowood
Hoping for Diabetes © 2009

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