Monday, May 19, 2008

Waiting for my laptop to come home

I picked a bad day to start a blog.

My laptop went on another vacation without me. Back to the Compaq repair center somewhere in Tennessee. To Compaq's credit they are fixing it free even though I'm 17 days out of warranty. I did load the deck on them though; knowing about their little motherboard overheating the wireless card issue... Word to the wise: always check customer service repair threads before you call points unknown to beg for repair.

It was the week for things to go crazy at my house. On Mother's Day the dishwasher smoked. It's good news/bad news though. Turns out the dishwasher is great (though also out of warranty) but the wiring in the house is bad. We already knew about the aluminum wiring, and had in fact had it "crimped" (technical term meaning: pay electrician mucho dinero to wrap copper around aluminum at all terminations and crimp together) but somehow this one electrical box was missed. But I digress.

So here I sit on the big pc in the basement. Well, not literally. But I did find time to get these few words together before the big kid found me and asked for dinner. She asked if I was writing a blog. I told her if she didn't go back upstairs it would be all about her. She will be back soon though...