Sunday, June 1, 2008

You Gotta Have Faith

Today Father Fred spoke of absolute faith. Giving some thought to his words, I’ve applied them to what is happening around here this afternoon.

There is a dog wash going on at my house. The plan, hatched by several enterprising teens, is to make big bucks for summer spending by washing neighborhood dogs. I have to give them credit. They planned what they needed, made posters, called dog owners and waited. They have faith that they’re going to make lots of money to spend at the beach or the mall.

And you need to understand that we are cat people. And the cat is not one bit happy about these dogs. I’m sure he is thinking that they are stinking up his whole territory. And I am also sure he will spend most of the rest of the evening re-marking his empire; that’s of course if we ever see him again, because right now he is invisible. We hope he remains steadfast in his faith that we still love him, and that he comes when we call him home tonight.

I have faith that all the kids will survive washing dogs they don’t know. Many dogs begin to shake at the sight of a washtub, but so far they seem afraid to open their mouths to bite the hand that washes them. I guess to some extent I have faith in the dogs too.

I am not so sure who the dogs have faith in. They appear to have more faith in the girls who are farthest away from the wash tubs. Beyond that there is the true faith they show as they walk away from our house, knowing that their own home is dry and waiting for their return.

I truly have faith in the girls. They are all earnest in their effort to take care of each dog. Carefully washing, rinsing and drying each loved pet. Everyone has been happy to get soaking wet and smelly dirty. Good kids made better by a little grass roots business experience among friends.

Roxie, Candy, Roy, Dakota, Peanut, Jelly and Willie are cleaner. I have faith in their owners; good people willing to entrust their dogs and some money to teenage girls. Kids need to know adults have faith in them.

So sure, it’s just a dog wash. But everything can hold a “teachable moment”. And faith, well it’s everywhere, if you go looking for it. And even if you don’t.

You Gotta Have Faith © 2008
Janice Arrowood